Why it can be hard to watch media

Aaron Sorkin’s famed and beloved series, The West Wing, is on Netflix and I’m slowly working my way through it. Last week, I rewatched the episode featuring the Society of Cartographers for Social Equality.It’s a fun segment, if utterly wrong factually. (I’d love for any society of map makers to have 4,300 members; excluding the ESRI Users Group.)

Just now (in series 3, episode 9 or 10, I think), they had a brief bit where Charlie Young has bought, at a flea market, a 1709 map of the Holy Land for President Bartlett. They unrolled it … shame it is more like 1909, from the paper and the colors … in a later segment, Bartlett drools over it: “hand-colored, copper engraved".”

So why not actually use a 1709 of the Holy Land … like


Color me unamused and disappointed.
