Abandoning Facebook and academia.edu

So, I have decided to abandon the Facebook. It’s all become just too creepazoid. I am growing excessively tired of its attempts to addict me to “likes” and feeding me ads that are utterly irrelevant to my lifestyle. Why, for example, do I keep getting ads for highland leather wear (kilts, boots, etc.) that are intended for certain subsets (not necessarily mutually exclusive) of the gay community and of devotés of Renaissance fayres; more power to anyone who wants to wear them, but I’m not one. Personally, I’ll be weening myself off FB over the next month. By the end of 2019, I intend to be FB-free. (The delay is simply a question of rebuilding a personal network on other social media.)

This abandonment includes moving away from FaceBook-owned academia.edu, which now exists only to tell me about articles it’s already told me about several times over, even as it tries to extort $$$ from me so I can find out who’s “mentioning” me in their work. “Mentioning” is just too high-school (and feeds too readily into the academic penchant for gossip) and besides, that’s what Web of Science is for!

This means that I am deleting the “mapping as process” page on FB. I will endeavor to do some small light posts here at mappingasprocess.net instead of the lighter posts there.

I will announce the publication of more substantive posts on H-MAPS (see my 25 October 2019 post for instructions). Alternatively, readers might add this page to their favorite RSS application; that way they’ll see all new posts, including the lighter ones. (I use reeder, which sees this page perfectly well.)

I might also explore an expanded use of twitter.

See you around, just not on facebook.